microprocessor 8085
- Give a general block diagram of a microprocessor based system. Explain briefly the various blocks of the system. Give some examples of the types of devices used for each block.
- What is a microprocessor? Sketch and explain the various pins of 8085.
- Sketch and explain the signal diagram of 8085.
- Explain the operation of 8085 signals: READY, S1 & S0, HOLD & HLDA and ALE.
- Explain the architecture of 8085 with the help of its internal block schematic.
- Write the flag register and explain each of the flags with an example.
- Mention the list of registers of 8085 that are accessible to the programmer. Explain what each of these registers are generally used for.
- What should be the starting address of ROM for an 8085 microcomputer? Substantiate your answer.
- Explain the purpose of the following signals of 8085: AD0-AD7, /RESET IN, RESET OUT, and RST 7.5.
- Explain with schematic diagram how separate address, data signals can be generated from 8085 common address-data lines.
- Explain the schematic which decodes IO//M, /RD, /WR into two active low signals /MERD, /MEWR, /IORD and /IOWR.
- List the status signals in 8085. Explain their functions.
- List the control signals in 8085. Explain their functions.
- Explain, how the microprocessor works?
- Explain the operations of microprocessor.
- What are RAM’s and ROM’s? why should both of these be used in an 8085 system?
- Explain the functions of following 8085 registers in Intel 8085: HL, STACK POINTER, and FLAG REGISTER.
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