Production process by operating various equipment in general is not entirely free from risk of harm. This should make attention from management and technical units and specifically responsible for work safety. Thus the work safety will always be considered part of the decision-making and policy setting so that efforts to prevent accidents and illness due to work has begun planning history. In every company is required to stand Development Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (P2K3), based on law number 1 of 1970. With this approach, the company's management is expected to take a real stance which includes:
a. identify each process and control equipment losses as a source of hazard risk,
b. estimating the control program plan accidents and illness due to work,
c. planning program control accidents and illness due to work,
d. develop the necessary communications systems, and
e. providing facilities and equipment and trained personnel and professional.
Workplace safety management must be able to find and Reveal the operational weaknesses that allow for work due to illness and accidents. Managerial discretion described in the operational implementation of the level of the management aspect is very essential for the sustainability of production processes and safety is directed at the participation of all parties in the management and organizational systems, will be able to create a comfortable working atmosphere as strong foundation for business continuity and security of investment in development.
and safety must be viewed as a technical effort an enormous managerial functions and role in:
1. Securing the investment.
2. Maintaining continuity and business continuity.
3. economic development potential.
4. Enhance the benefits of the production devices.
5. Maintain and enhance the work productivity of labor.
Improved quality of human resources via three-way in improving the quality of knowledge and skills, namely:
1. point of formal education,
2. training track, and
3. lines of work experience.
Improving the quality of human resources is very important not only to improve your operational work Technically, but also the ability to work safely and the ability to create conditions and safe working environment and healthy.


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