Interfacing of peripherals (I/Os) and applications.

Interfacing of peripherals (I/Os) and applications.

  1. Explain the operation of 8255 PPI chip with its internal block schematic. Explain its mode 0, mode 1 and BSR modes.
  2. Write a short note on 8279 keyboard/display interface.
  3. Which characteristics of an I/O device makes it necessary to interface the device through DMA? Explain the DMA operation in detail.
  4. Explain with block diagram the 8253 timer chip and its operation.
  5. Explain with block diagram the USART 8251 chip and its operation.
  6. Explain how data can be transferred using 8251 USART at different baud rates. Also discuss the features available in 8251.
  7. Explain the features of 8253. Briefly explain its different modes of operation.
  8. Explain how 8259 communicates with 8085. Explain the different functions available in priority interrupt controller.
  9. With the help of functional block diagram, explain the different features available in 8279.
  10. What are the maximum and minimum frequencies that can be generated using 8155 timer section when 8085 clock is 3 MHz.
  11. Explain with diagram serial synchronous and asynchronous data formats of 8251.
  12. Write a program to transmit 8 bit data through SOD pin starting with MSB. The data is stored at address 1A00h.
  13. Write the signals of RS232 port.
  14. Write an ALP to generate square wave using 8255.
  15. Write & explain the mode word format, command word format & status word format of 8251.
  16. Write ALP to intialize 8251 USART and receive data on polled basis given the parameters: Baud rate factor = 64, Character length = 8 bits, No parity check and 1 stop bit. Assume port address 50h for data and 51h for control/status.
  17. Explain the features and operation of DMA controller 8257 with a block schematic.
  18. Interface an A/D converter to 8085 and write a program to convert the analog input to digital.
  19. Show how you would interface a keyboard to an 8085 processor using 8255. Write an ALP to generate a key code for the key pressed.


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