Types Of Adult Vaccines

Types Of Adult Vaccines
These vaccines to prevent diseases caused by hepatitis A virus and attacks the liver. Hepatitis A vaccine given twice in adults, with a range of up to six 12 months.
HEPATITIS B The vaccine is given three times the distance of one to six months for hepatitis B prevention of disease, you will be first checked whether the contract or not. The laboratory should also be conducted to find out whether you already have enough antibodies to fight hepatitis B or not
Abdominal typhoid Aimed at preventing an outbreak of typhoid fever or typhoid fever is usually caused by Germs that spread through food is given every three years.
Measles VACCINE,Mumps, rubella (MMR / Mumps, Measles, Rubella) Given one time for adults born after 1957. While people born before the year is considered to have a natural immunity to MMR. Given to prevent measles, mumps and rubella caused by a virus.
TETANUSTo prevent the development of disease caused by tetanus bacteria in the wound. Tetanus vaccine is given three times for a full dose. The second vaccine is given at least four weeks after the first vaccine. While the third vaccine is given six to 12 months after the second vaccine.
VACCINE varicella Vaccine given to prevent infection varicella or what we call that caused chicken pox virus. Chicken pox in adults can be more dangerous than the kids. The vaccine is given twice the time span of four to eight weeks and is recommended for people aged over 13 years.
Influenza The vaccine is given once each year to adults to prevent the disease striking influenza and respiratory tract caused by viruses. The main targets are people aged over 50 years.
Pneumococcal Preventing pneumococcal disease attributable bacteria streptococcus pneumonia, the vaccine is given to adults. This disease can occur at any age, and can lead to infection in the Lungs, blood, brain & ear. The vaccine is given to people aged 65 years and over a one-time.
Meningitis To prevent meningitis, which is inflammation of the lining the brain caused by bacteria, one is given this vaccine. These include vaccines must be given to prospective pilgrims who will go to the holy land. Need to be repeated every three years.
Rabies Aims to prevent disease spread rabies reply to humans through the bite of an infected animal. The main target of those at greater risk for rabies. For example the frequent contact with animals
YELLOW FEVER The vaccine is given to prevent people from fever. Yellow disease disease is caused by a virus transmitted to humans through mosquito Aedes aegypti This is one of the required vaccines World Health Organization (WHO) for all the people who will visit Africa this vaccine should South. Type repeated every 10 years.
Japanese EncephalitisGiven to adults to prevent disease called Japanese encephalitis virus is transmitted to humans by Culex Mosquitoes which had infected many. Disease found in China, India and Southeast Asia, in particular areas - rural areas such as rice, livestock, and puddles of water. The vaccine is also recommended for people who will travel to the region - the area and stayed for more than 30 days.
CANCER uterusAiming to prevent this cancer of the uterus. Vaccines given in the following way:
The first month, third month and sixth month respectively - each a one-time injection of this vaccine prior to the examination should be done first Papsmear or Papnet. The vaccine is only done once in a lifetime.


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