Definition of Motivation | Motivation Theory Work
Every organization wants to achieve its objectives. To achieve these objectives, the role of human beings involved is very important. To move the people to fit the desired organization, it must be understood human motivation at work in these organizations, because motivation is what determines the behavior of those working or in other words the behavior is a reflection of the simplest of motivations. For that to human behavior in accordance with the goals of the organization there must be a combination of their motivations and organizational demands.
Motivation comes from the Latin, which means mafere urge or motive power. Motivation is only given to employees who questioned about how to encourage employee morale, so they want to work hard to provide all the capabilities and skills to achieve organizational goals. Basically, the organization is not just expect employees who are able, capable and skilled but they are important to work hard and willing to achieve optimal results. Abilities, skills and skills of employees means nothing to the organization if they do not want to work hard by using the skills, abilities and skills possessed.
Motivation is important because it is expected to motivate each individual employee willing to work hard and enthusiastically to achieve high productivity Hasibuan, (2005).
Person's behavior is influenced and stimulated by the desires, needs, goals and satisfaction. Stimulation arising from the self (internal) and external (External). Stimulation (material and non material) This will create a "motive and motivation" that encourages people working (active) to obtain the needs and satisfaction of work.
Motifs can be interpreted as a move driver force people to behave and act with a certain purpose. Thus, the motive can be interpreted as encouragement to the base of a person to do activities. Motivation is seen from the meaning he said, means providing motive motivation, stockpiling motive, or anything else that causes the urge.
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