Motivation Theory
According to Hasibuan (2005), theories of motivation are grouped into several things including:
a. Satisfaction Theory (Content Theory)
This theory is based on factors individual needs and satisfaction of that cause to act and behave in certain ways. This theory focuses on the factors that strengthen one's self, guide, support and stop the behavior. This theory explains the question of what needs to satisfy and encourage the spirit of working person.
It is encouraging to work someone is to meet the needs and satisfaction of material and non material obtained from the results of his work. If the needs and satisfaction are met then the spirit of the workings of the better too. So, basically this theory suggests that a person will act (eager to work) to meet the needs of (inner needs) and satisfaction. Higher standards and the needs of the desired satisfaction more active the person is working. High or low level of satisfaction of needs and wants to achieve one's work reflects the spirit of these people.
Content Theory is known among other things:
1. Classical Theory of Motivation by F.W. Taylor
This theory also known as the theory of a single requirement. According to this theory of motivation of workers just to meet the biological needs and satisfaction only. Biological needs is a necessary requirement to maintain the continuity of one's life. Biological needs and satisfaction will be fulfilled if the salary or wages (cash or goods) provided considerable. So if the salary or wages of employees increased the spirit of their work will increase.
2. Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory
The basis of this theory is a requirement that has been satisfied does not become a tool of motivation for the perpetrator, only the unmet needs of a motivational tool. Hierarchy of human needs according to Maslow is quoted by Manullang (2001) is as follows:
1. Physiological needs bodily needs, including clothing, food and sexual gratification.
2. Safety needs-the need for security, including the need for security both soul and need for security of property.
3. Social needs, social needs, including the need for other people feeling accepted, respected, wanted to go and want to participate.
4. Esteem needs-the need for appreciation of the need for self-esteem and good views of others.
5. Self-actualization needs - the need to achieve self-satisfaction of the need to move value and satisfaction gained from work.
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