Indentifikasi | Simpati

Identifikasi merupakan kecenderungan dan keinginan seseorang untuk menjadi sama dengan orang lain. Proses identifikasi dapat berlangsung dengan sendirinya maupun disengaja.
Proses identifikasi mengakibatkan terjadinya pengaruh-pengaruh yang lebih mendalam dibandingkan proses imitasi dan sugesti walaupun ada kemungkinan bahwa pada mulanya proses identifikasi diawali oleh imitasi atau sugesti.

            Simpati adalah suatu proses seseorang merasa tertarik pada pihak lain biasanya penilaian ini bersikap subjektif dan mengandalkan ketertarikan semata, contohnya sebagai berikut :
1.      Para siswa mengikuti kegiatan Ekstra Kurikuler memasak karena didasari oleh simpati oleh gurunya yang bersikap ramah.
2.      Para siswa sangat antusias pada olah raga basket karena selain menyenangkan, pelatihnya juga cekatan.
Faktor-faktor proses interaksi sosial, antara lain imitasi, sugesti, identifikasi dan simpati merupakan faktor-faktor minimal yang menjadi dasar bagi berlangsungnya, suatu proses interaksi sosial, walaupun didalam kenyataannya proses tersebut sangatlah kompleks sehingga kadang sulit untuk membedakan secara tegas antara faktor-faktor tersebut.
Interaksi sosial sebenarnya merupakan fenomena yang akan terjadi disetiap saat dan disetiap tempat. Terjadinya interaksi sosial karena manusia pada hakikatnya merupakan mahluk sosial (homosocius).
READ MORE - Indentifikasi | Simpati


Faktor sugesti berlangsung jika seseorang menerima suatu pandangan atau sikap yang berasal dari dirinya, atau sikap orang lain yang diterima oleh orang lain. Berlangsungnya proses sugesti dapat terjadi karena pihak penerima dalam keadaan tidak stabil emosinya sehingga mengganggu pikiran rasionalnya.
Pengaruh tersebut dapat berlangsung secara positif atau justru sebaliknya bersifat negatif.
  1. Tindakan positif
Sugesti yang diberikan dapat membantu meringankan beban masalah yang sedang diderita. Proses ini dapat berlangsung melalui bantuan beberapa material maupun non material.
  1. Tindakan Negatif
Sugesti yang diberikan dapat mengarahkan seseorang untuk mengakhiri permasalah dengan jalan pintas. Contoh sugesti yaitu:
    1. Meminum minuman keras karena tidak naik kelas
    2. Melakukan perampokan karena sedang terlilit utang.
READ MORE - Sugesti


Imitasi adalah proses menirukan tindakan, nilai, norma, atau ilmu pengetahuan orang lain atau kelompok. Faktor imitasi dapat mendorong seseorang atau kelompok untuk mematuhi norma-norma atau kaidah-kaidah tertentu.
 Faktor imitasi akan memunculkan dua kemungkinan berikut
  1. Positif, jika dapat mendorong orang atau kelompok untuk mematuhi norma-norma atau kaidah-kaidah yang berlaku, contohnya:
    1. Meniru gaya penyanyi dari penyanyi lain.
    2. Meniru pola hidup sehat dari negara atau masyarakat lain.
    3. Meniru taktik permainan bola basket dari klub basket yang terkenal
  2. Negatif, jika dapat mendorong orang atau kelompok untuk menentang norma-norma atau kaidah-kaidah yang berlaku, contohnya:
    1. Kebiasaan kebut-kebutan dijalan sehingga mengganggu kenyamanan pengguna jalan yang lain.
    2. Menggunakan telepon selular ketika sedang belajar didalam kelas.
    3. Kebiasaan merokok diruangan yang ber AC.
READ MORE - Imitasi


Proses interaksi sosial adalah bentuk umum dari proses sosial yaitu merupakan hubungan-hubungan sosial yang bersifat dinamis. Interaksi sosial terjadi antar kelompok manusia merupakan suatu kesuatuan yang biasanya tidak menyangkut pribadi anggotanya. Jadi, interaksi sosial tidak bersifat pribadi. Setiap pihak dalam melakukan proses interaksi sosial akan mengatas namakan kepentingan kelompoknya. Misalnya, interaksi antara guru dengan murid dalam kegiatan belajar dan mengajar, baik didalam maupun diluar kelas. Interaksi sosial dalam suasana kegiatan belajar mengajar, dimana akan berlangsung proses saling mempengaruhi antara guru dan muridnya.
Proses interaksi sosial didasarkan atas berbagai faktor, antara lain imitasi, sugesti, identifikasi, dan simpati. Faktor-faktor tersebut dapat bergerak sendiri-sendiri secara terpisah maupun dalam keadaan tergabung. Berikut penjelasan mengenai faktor-faktor interaksi tersebut.


Kontravensi merupakan suatu rencana dan perasaan tidak suka yang disembunyikan, seperti keraguan bahkan kebencian terhadap kepribadian seseorang.
Ada ahli yang mengatakan bahwa kontravensi merupakan sikap mental yang tersembunyi terhadap orang-orang lain atau unsur-unsur kebudayaan suatu golongan tertentu.
Pertentangan akan tejadi karena adanya beberapa alasan sebagai berikut:
  1. Perbedaan antar individu
Setiap individu diwarisi dengan karakter pribadi yang berbeda-beda.
  1. Perbedaan kebudayaan
Kemajemukan budaya yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia sungguh sangat beragam. Setiap suku bangsa di Indonesia memiliki budaya yang berbeda yang khas dan tidak dapat disamakan dengan budaya daerah lain.
  1. Perbedaan kepentingan
Hasrat untuk memenuhi suatu kebutuhan yang dimiliki manusia terkadang didapatkan dengan cara-cara yang tidak terpuji dan mencelakakan orang lain untuk mendapatkannya.
  1. Perubahan sosial
Globalisasi menuntuk manusia untuk mengikuti perkembangan jaman. Berbagai produk yang dihasilkan akan menyebabkan dilema bagi masyarakat.
READ MORE - Kontravensi


persaingan adalah suatu proses sosial tempat individu atau kelompok manusia saling bersaing dan mencari keuntungan melalui bidang-bidang kehidupan yang pada suatu masa tertentu menjadi pusat perhatian umum. Upaya individu untuk dapat meraih posisi tertentu dalam kelompoknya, juga dapat dikategorikan pada persaingan.
Persaingan terkadang muncul dalam aspek yang lebih luas dan kompleks, Misalnya persaingan ekonomi, kebudayaan, dan peran, bahkan juga ras.
  1. Persaingan ekonomi
Persaingan dalam bidang ekonomi terutama dalam menjual produk kepada calon pembeli yang biasanya dilakukan melalui berbagai cara. Tender, pameran penjualan dari pintu ke pintu dan kemudahan kredit merupakan cara dari sekian banyak bentuk persaingan dalam bidang ekonomi.
  1. Persaingan budaya
Persaingan budaya berlaku pada sektor-sektor yang merupakan hasil daya kreasi dan nalar manusia, misalnya persaingan dalam pendidikan terjadi dengan cara setiap sekolah, baik tingkat dasar maupun tingkat tinggi berusaha meningkatkan kualitas pendidikannya, misalnya kelengkapan sarana serta prasarana pendidikan, kualitas staf pengajar, dan kualitas pengelolahan manajemen sekolah.
  1. Persaingan status dan peran
Persaingan dapat bersifat positif karena
1.      Dapat menyalurkan keinginan-keinginan individu atau kelompok yang bersifat kompetitif.
2.      Menyalurkan keinginan-keinginan yang bersifat inovatif untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan dan selalu terbuka untuk menerima setiap ide pembaharuan.
3.      Merupakan alat untuk mengadakan seleksi dan penempatan atas dasar prestasi yang telah dicapai seseorang.
4.      Untuk menentukan kesesuaian pekerjaan dengan keahlian yang dimilikinya.
READ MORE - Persaingan

Asimilasi (Asimilation)

Merupakan kelanjutan dari akomodasi artinya akan terjadi asimilasi jika didahului oleh adanya proses akomodasi. Asimilasi ditandai adanya usaha-usaha untuk mengurangi perbedaan perbedaan yang terjadi antar individu atau antar kelompok manusia. Asimilasi meliputi upaya-upaya untuk mempertinggi kesatuan tindakan, sikap, dan proses- proses mental dengan memperhatikan kepentingan dan tujuan bersama.
Asimilasi akan terjadi jika terdapat hal-hal sebagai berikut:
  1. Kelompok manusia yang berbeda kebudayaan.
  2. Orang sebagai anggota kelompok tertentu saling bergaul secara langsung dan intensif untuk jangka waktu yang sama.
  3. Kebudayaan dari masing-masing kelompok berubah dan saling menyesuaikan diri.

Proses Asimilasi Akan Menemui Beberapa Faktor Penghambat Yaitu:
  1. Terisolasi kehidupan dari pihak lain.
  2. Kurangnya pengetahuan yang dimiliki.
  3. Adanya kekhawatiran dan takut terhadap kebudayaan pihak lain.
  4. Adanya perasaan bahwa satu golongan kebudayaan tertentu lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan golongan kebudayaan lainnya.
Beberapa Faktor Yang Dapat Mempermudah Proses Asimilasi Yaitu:
  1. Sikap toleran.
  2. Peluang yang seimbang dibidang ekonomi dan sosial politik.
  3. Sikap terbuka dan selalu siap menerima kritik.
  4. Adanya persamaan unsur-unsur kebudayaan.
  5. Adanya ancaman dari pihak luar.
READ MORE - Asimilasi (Asimilation)


Merupakan suatu proses penyesuaian sosial dalam interaksi antara pribadi dan kelompok-kelompok manusia untuk meredakan pertentangan.
Istilah akomodasi merujuk pada dua arti yaitu:
  1. Kenyataan adanya suatu keseimbangan
  2. Usaha untuk meredakan pertikaian
Pertentangan antar kelompok atau antar individu, setiap pihak harus bijak dalam setiap menyelesaikan pertentangan tanpa menghancurkan pihak lawan antara lain dengan cara:
  1. Mengurangi konflik antar individu atau kelompok manusia sebagai akibat perbedaan paham.
  2. Mencegah meledaknya konflik sementara waktu.
  3. Memungkinkan terjadinya kerja sama antar kelompok sosial yang hidupnya terpisah sebagai faktor-faktor sosial dan kebudayaan.
  4. Mengusahakan peleburan antar kelompok sosial.

Akomodasi sebagai suatu proses memiliki bentuk berikut:
  1. Paksaan (Coercian) yaitu bentuk akomodasi dengan menggunakan ancaman, tekanan, kekuatan fisik.
  2. Kompromi (Compromise) yaitu proses masing-masing pihak mengurangi tuntutannya agar mencapai penyelesaian perselisihan.
  3. Arbitrasi (Arbitration) yaitu suatu cara penyelesaian persilisihan antara pihak-pihak yang berselisih mengundang pihak ketiga yang keputusannya mengikat.
  4. Mediasi (Mediation) yaitu suatu cara penyelesaian sengketa. Pihak-pihak yang bersengketa meminta bantuan pihak ketiga yang keputusannya tidak mengikat.
  5. Konsiliasi (Conciliation) yaitu usaha untuk mempertemukan keinginan dan pihak-pihak yang berselisih agar tercapai suatu persetujuan.
  6. Toleransi (Toleration) yaitu suatu sikap yang merupakan perwujudan penahanan terhadap sikap pihak lain yang tidak disetujui.
  7. Stalemate, yaitu kondisi pihak-pihak yang memiliki konflik berhenti dengan sendirinya karena kekuatan yang sama.
  8. Ajudikasi (Adjudiction) yaitu penyelesaian perselisihan secara damai dengan keputusan yang berwenang yang tujuannya mendapatkan keadilan.
READ MORE - Akomodasi


Interaksi Sosial Yang Bersifat Asosiatif Yakni Yang Mengarah Kepada Bentuk-Bentuk Asosiasi (Hubungan Atau Gabungan) Seperti:

Kerja Sama
            merupakan suatu usaha bersama antara individu dan kelompok manusia untuk mencapai satu atau beberapa tujuan bersama. Kerja sama akan timbul jika orang menyadari bahwa diantara mereka memiliki kepentingan-kepentingan yang sama pada saat yang bersamaan.

Kerja sama timbul sebagai pengakuan individu terhadap kelompoknya. Kerja sama akan timbul kuat jika ada bahaya dari luar yang mengganggu kelompoknya. Setiap anggota dan kelompok tersebut akan bersatu dan bekerja sama dalam menyelesaikan masalah atau menghalau bahaya tersebut.

Bentuk Kerja Sama Dapat Dibedakan Menjadi Dua Yaitu Sebagai Berikut:
a.       Kerja sama spontan atau (spontaneous cooperation) adalah bentuk kerja sama atas dasar spontanitas. Misalnya, pendukung suatu klub sepak bola yang tidak bisa menerima kekalahan dari grup lain, kemudian secara spontan melemparkan botol-botol minuman ketengah lapangan untuk mengacaukan permainan.
b.      Kerja sama langsung (Directed Cooperation) adalah bentuk kerja sama yang merupakan hasil dari perintah atasan. Misalnya, TNI masuk desa sebagai salah satu bentuk kemanunggalan TNI dengan rakyat.
Jenis-jenis Keja Sama Langsung Ada Dua Yaitu Sebagai berikut:
  1. Kerja sama kontrak atau (Contractual Cooperation) yaitu bentuk kerja sama atas dasar motif tertentu.
  2. Kerja sama tradisional (Traditional Cooperation) yaitu bentuk kerja sama sebagai bagian dari unsur sosial. Misalnya kegiatan pemugaran dan pembangunan rumah dikawasan permukiman.

Faktor-Faktor Yang Mendorong Terjadinya Kerja Sama Yaitu Sebagai Berikut:
  1. Timbul keinginan pribadi
  2. Tujuan bersama
  3. Kewajiban, misalnya pembersihan lingkungan
  4. Alasan untuk mengajak orang lain

Makna Dan Tujuan Interaksi Sosial

Seseorang memberikan penjelasan pada perilaku orang lain tentang (dapat berwujud pembicaraan, gerak-gerak badan atau sikap). Perasaan-perasaan yang akan disampaikan oleh orang-orang tersebut. Orang yang bersangkutan kemudian memberikan reaksi terhadap perasaan yang ingin disampaikan oleh orang lain tersebut.
Dengan adanya komunikasi tersebut sikap-sikap dan perasaan-perasaan suatu kelompok manusia atau perseorangan dapat diketahui oleh kelompok-kelompok lain.
Komunikasi tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kontak sosial dalam mewujudkan interaksi sosial. Misalnya, orang Indonesia dan orang Jerman bertemu di bandara. Mereka saling berpandangan dan melempar senyum, kemudian berjabat tangan.
Kontak sosial dapat bersifat positif dan negatif. Bersifat positif jika mengarah pada suatu kerja sama. Bersifat negatif jika mengarah pada suatu pertentangan atau pertikaian.
Kontak sosial dan komunikasi sosial merupakan syarat terjadinya interaksi sosial. Tanpa adanya dua syarat tersebut, interaksi sosial tidak akan terjadi.
Tujuan interaksi sosial suatu disiplin induk ilmu-ilmu sosial sebagai suatu disiplin ilmu, sosiologi mengkaji semua bentuk dan berbagai tingkatan analisis berbagai unit sosial, mulai dari tingkatan mikro seperti keluarga, dan kelompok primer, level meso seperti organisasi, perusahaan, dan suatu komuniti hingga level makro seperti negara dan masyarakat. Anggapannya adalah apapun masalah yang dihadapi manusia, semuanya memiliki prasyarat sosial.
READ MORE - Makna Dan Tujuan Interaksi Sosial


Terjadinya komunikasi timbal balik antara individu dengan individu, individu dengan kelompok, kelompok dengan kelompok sehingga terjadi suatu komunikasi dengan baik.

Kontak Sosial Dapat Berlangsung Dalam 3 Bentuk

  1. Antara individu dengan individu lain misalnya, anak kecil yang mempelajari kebiasaan-kebiasaan keluarganya melalui proses sosialisasi.
  2. Antara individu dengan satu kelompok atau sebaliknya misalnya, seseorang yang merasakan bahwa tindakan-tindakannya berlawanan dengan norma-norma masyarakat.
  3. Antara suatu kelompok manusia dan kelompok manusia lainnya misalnya, koalisasi partai politik untuk mengalahkan partai politik lain dalam pemilihan umum.

Bahasa pemrograman

Bahasa pemrograman
            Bahasa programman (Programming Language) memungkinkan programmer untuk mengembangkan serangkaian perintah yang membentuk program komputer. Banyak bahasa pemrogramman yang berbeda telah dikembangkan, dengan masing-masing memiliki kosakata, tata bahasa, dan penggunaan yang berbeda-beda (O’Brien : 2005)
Bahasa Generasi Pertama
Bahasa Mesin adalah tingkat paling dasar dari bahasa pemrogramman. Pada tahap-tahap awal pengembangan komputer, semua perintah program harus ditulis dengan menggunakan kode binari (biner) yang unik untuk setiap komputer, jenis pemrogramman ini melibatkan berbagai tugas sulit untuk menulis perintah dalam bentuk untaian angka-angka binari (angka satu dan nol) atau sistem nomor lainnya.
Bahasa Generasi Kedua
Bahasa Assembler adalah tingkat berikutnya dari bahasa pemrogramman bahasa ini dikembangkan untuk mengurangi berbagai kesulitan dalam menulis program dengan bahasa mesin. Penggunaan bahasa assembler membutuhkan program penerjemah bahasa yang disebut perakit (assembler) yang memungkinkan sebuah komputer untuk mengubah perintah dari bahasa semacam ini ke dalam pemerintah mesin. Bahasa assembler sering kali disebut bahasa simbol karena berbagai simbol digunakan untuk mewakili kode operasi dan lokasi penyimpanan.
Bahasa Generasi Ketiga
Bahasa tingkat tinggi menggunakan berbagai perintah yang disebut pernyataan, yaitu menggunakan berbagai pernyataan singkat atau istilah aritmatika. Pernyataan individual bahasa tingkat tinggi sebenarnya merupakan perintah macro (macroinstruction), yaitu setiap pernyataan menghasilkan beberapa perintah mesin yang kemudian diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa mesin atau penerjemah (Interpreter).
Bahasa Generasi Ke Empat
Istilah bahasa generasi ke empat menjelaskan bahasa pemrogramman yang lebih nonprosedural dan lebih membentuk percakapan daripada bahasa-bahasa sebelumnya. Bahasa ini disebut bahasa generasi keempat (fourth generation language-4GL) untuk membedakannya dari berbagai bahasa mesin (generasi pertama), bahasa assembler (generasi kedua), dan bahasa tingkat tinggi (generasi ketiga).
Bahasa Berorientasi Objek
Bahasa yang berorientasi pada objek (Object Oriented Programming-OOP) seperti visual basic, Borland Delphi C++ dan java juga dianggap sebagai bahasa generasi kelima dan telah menjadi alat yang paling umum untuk pengembangan software. Singkatnya, sementara kebanyakan bahasa pemrogramman memisahkan berbagai elemen data dari prosedur atau tindakan yang dapat dilakukan atas data tersebut. Contohnya, sebagai objek dapat berupa serangkaian data mengenai rekening tabungan nasabah bank, dan berbagai opreasi (seperti perhitungan bunga) yang mungkin dilakukan atas data tersebut. Atau sebuah objek dapat berupa data dalam bentuk grafis seperti tampilan video, ditambahkan dengan tampilan berbagai tindakan yang dapat digunakan atas data tersebut.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)  adalah bahasa pendeskripsian halaman yang menciptakan dokumen-dokumen hypertext atau Hypermedia. HTML memasukan kode-kode pengendali dalam sebuah dokumen pada berbagai poin yang dapat anda spesifikasikan yang dapat menciptakan hubungan (hyperlink) dengan bagian lain dokumen tersebut atau dengan dokumen lain yang berada di word wide web.
Java adalah satu dari beberapa kemajuan terpenting di bidang software komputer dalam 20 tahun terakhir. Sama pentingnya dengan HTML yang sangat sukses dalam penerbitan homepage statik di world wide web (WWW).
READ MORE - Bahasa pemrograman


Program Utilitas
            Program Utilitas berfungsi membantu atau mengisi kekurangan kelemahan sistem operasi, misalnya PC Tools dapat melakukan perintah format sebagaimana DOS, tetapi PC Tolls mampu memberikan keterangan dan animasi yang bagus dalam proses pemformatan. File yang telah dihapus oleh DOS tidak dapat dikembalikan lagi, tetapi dengan program bantu maka hal ini dapat dilakukan, misalnya Norton Utility, Scandisk, PC Tools dan lain-lain.
Program Antivirus
            Mengidentifikasi dan menghapus virus-virus dalam memori, media strage, dan file yang akan dimasukan. Program ini harud di update sesering mungkin
            Program yang ditempatkan pada komputer tanpa sepengetahuan si pengguna yang mengumpulkan informasi-informasi rahasia tentang pengguna. Ad – Aware adalah software tool yang mengizinkan anda untuk mendeteksi dan menghapus spyware yang terinstal pada komputer anda.
Utilitas Pengompres file
            Memperkecil ukuran untuk membebaskan ruang dan meningkatkan kinerja. Compressed files kadang-kadang disebut file zipped. Ada beberapa program utility, yaitu PKZIP, Winzip, WinRar, dan lain-lain.
Software CD/ DVD Burning
            Membaca teks grafik, audio, dan file video untuk dapat direkam ulang atau dibaca ulang oleh CD atau DVD.
Utilitas Perawatan Komputer Pribadi
            Mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki masalah sistem operasi dan masalah disk utilitas yang lain memungkinkan manajer operasi komputer memulihkan file yang hilang atau rusak, memantau kinerja sistem, bahkan mengendalikan arus data antara pengguna dan komputer           
READ MORE - Program

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Production process by operating various equipment in general is not entirely free from risk of harm. This should make attention from management and technical units and specifically responsible for work safety. Thus the work safety will always be considered part of the decision-making and policy setting so that efforts to prevent accidents and illness due to work has begun planning history. In every company is required to stand Development Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (P2K3), based on law number 1 of 1970. With this approach, the company's management is expected to take a real stance which includes:
a. identify each process and control equipment losses as a source of hazard risk,
b. estimating the control program plan accidents and illness due to work,
c. planning program control accidents and illness due to work,
d. develop the necessary communications systems, and
e. providing facilities and equipment and trained personnel and professional.
Workplace safety management must be able to find and Reveal the operational weaknesses that allow for work due to illness and accidents. Managerial discretion described in the operational implementation of the level of the management aspect is very essential for the sustainability of production processes and safety is directed at the participation of all parties in the management and organizational systems, will be able to create a comfortable working atmosphere as strong foundation for business continuity and security of investment in development.
and safety must be viewed as a technical effort an enormous managerial functions and role in:
1. Securing the investment.
2. Maintaining continuity and business continuity.
3. economic development potential.
4. Enhance the benefits of the production devices.
5. Maintain and enhance the work productivity of labor.
Improved quality of human resources via three-way in improving the quality of knowledge and skills, namely:
1. point of formal education,
2. training track, and
3. lines of work experience.
Improving the quality of human resources is very important not only to improve your operational work Technically, but also the ability to work safely and the ability to create conditions and safe working environment and healthy.


THINGS THAT CAN CAUSE AN ACCIDENTThere are three basic causes of accidents, namely:
1. Occurred by chance.
Regarded as an accident within the meaning of the original (genuine accident) nature unpredictable and outside the control of the company management. For example, an employee right in front of the window glass when suddenly someone threw a glass window so that about it.
2. Working conditions are not safe.
Working conditions are not safe is one of the main causes of the accident. These conditions include factors as follows:
a. Equipment that are not properly protected.
b. Defective equipment.
c. A dangerous procedure in, on, or around machines or equipment that is not secure warehouse (stuffy and too full).
d. Inadequate light, dim, and the lack of lighting.
e. Ventilation is not perfect, change is not enough water, or the source of impure water.
Recovery of these factors is to minimize unsafe conditions, for example by making a list of physical and mechanical conditions that can cause accidents. Check list creation will assist in finding problems that cause accidents. While accidents can happen anywhere and anytime, but there are certain places that have high accident rates. Approximately one third of industrial and laboratory accident occurred at around forklift trucks, trains push, and places where cherished goods lifts.

Three Other Factors Associated with Occupational Injuries

Three Other Factors Associated with Occupational Injuries.In addition to working conditions that are not safe there are three other factors that affect or cause the occurrence of occupational accidents. The third factor is the nature of the work itself, work schedule, and the psychological climate in the workplace.
1. The nature of work.
According to the study of the safety experts, the nature of work Affects the accident rate. For example, employees who worked as a crane operator (crane) would have a risk of work accidents than those who worked as a supervisor / supervisor.
2. Work schedule.
Work schedules and fatigue of work also Affects occupational accidents. The level of occupational accidents are usually stable at 6 to 7 hours on Weekdays first. But in the hours after that, the accident rate will be higher employment. This is possible because the employee or labor exceeds the high level of fatigue. Reality on the ground also proved that the risk of night work have more accidents than the working Cleaner in the day.
3. Psychological climate at work.
Psychological climate in the workplace also affect the work accident. Employees or workers who work under pressure of stress or who feel their jobs are threatened or insecure will experience more accidents than those who do not experience stress.
READ MORE - Three Other Factors Associated with Occupational Injuries

Unsafe Actions conducted by Labor.

Unsafe Actions conducted by Labor.It is impossible to eliminate accidents simply by reducing unsafe conditions, because Principals are human accidents. The experts have not been able to find a way that really telling measures to eliminate unsafe employees. These actions are:
a. Throwing or remove the material.
b. Operate and work on an unsafe speed, whether it was too fast or too slow.
c. Creating safety and security equipment does not operate by moving, changing settings, or install on again.
d. Not wearing safety equipment or uses it was not safe.
e. Using unsafe procedures when filling, placing, mixing, and combining materials.
f. Be in a position not safe under the charge depends. Raise the elevator in a way that is not true.
g. Confusion, abuse disorders, shock, and other violent acts.
Such actions could cause the company's business or minimize workplace working conditions are not safe to be in vain. Therefore, we must identify the cause of the actions above. The following points can be used as an aid in Identifying the actions above:
a. Employee's personal characteristics.
b. Employees who are prone to accidents (accident prone).
c. Employees eyesight.
d. Age employees
e. Motion perception and skills of employees
f. Employee interests
READ MORE - Unsafe Actions conducted by Labor.


After looking at the causes of accidents in the workplace, so in practice, accident prevention work can be done in two basic activities are:

a. Reducing unsafe working conditions.
Reducing the working conditions are not safe to be front-line company or laboratory work in preventing accidents. Responsible for worker safety must be designed in such a way the task to eliminate or reduce physical hazards. Use the risk assessment or inspection checklists and tools to identify potential dangers eliminate.
b. Reduce employee actions that are not safe.
Employee actions that are not safe (or not work according to the procedure) can be reduced with various activities / ways, namely:
1) selection and placement
2) propaganda, campaign, or about work safety
3) training on work procedures and safety of positive reinforcement (positive reinforcement)
4) komitme of top-level managers (top management).

Avoiding Accidents WORK

Avoiding Accidents WORK
To control a process required petunjuktools, control devices, and so that danger can be reduced also required safety equipment. In order to control a process, important variables include the easy to control, temperature, pressure, and concentration. Bookmark danger to other factors, such as any leakage of flammable gases, poisonous gases, or liquids are easy to damage, are still commonly used by human senses. Leakage of flammable gases or dangerous unknown of smell, or can be Monitored by placing the experimental animals such as rats, rabbits, and others.
Process control devices in industries directly related to work safety. With the process control devices, fire, explosion, and toxicity can be reduced to limit the detail. Nevertheless the role of humans as controllers are still needed, especially to monitor the factors that have not discovered the danger control means such as poison gas or other flammable gases that leaked from a reactor.
Safety devices required for potential hazards can be minimized. Safety devices can be divided into two categories, namely security and safety equipment dangerous man who served the instrument. The production process of goods and services could result in critical condition causing disastrous harm major accident with a broad impact and difficult to overcome.
The technical term is 5 K due to an accident, namely:
1. Damage and material losses.
2. Disorganization and chaos.
3. Complaints and sadness.
4. Disorders and Disabilities.
5. Death.
READ MORE - Avoiding Accidents WORK

Definition of Motivation | Motivation Theory Work

Definition of Motivation | Motivation Theory Work
Every organization wants to achieve its objectives. To achieve these objectives, the role of human beings involved is very important. To move the people to fit the desired organization, it must be understood human motivation at work in these organizations, because motivation is what determines the behavior of those working or in other words the behavior is a reflection of the simplest of motivations. For that to human behavior in accordance with the goals of the organization there must be a combination of their motivations and organizational demands.
Motivation comes from the Latin, which means mafere urge or motive power. Motivation is only given to employees who questioned about how to encourage employee morale, so they want to work hard to provide all the capabilities and skills to achieve organizational goals. Basically, the organization is not just expect employees who are able, capable and skilled but they are important to work hard and willing to achieve optimal results. Abilities, skills and skills of employees means nothing to the organization if they do not want to work hard by using the skills, abilities and skills possessed.
Motivation is important because it is expected to motivate each individual employee willing to work hard and enthusiastically to achieve high productivity Hasibuan, (2005).
Person's behavior is influenced and stimulated by the desires, needs, goals and satisfaction. Stimulation arising from the self (internal) and external (External). Stimulation (material and non material) This will create a "motive and motivation" that encourages people working (active) to obtain the needs and satisfaction of work.
Motifs can be interpreted as a move driver force people to behave and act with a certain purpose. Thus, the motive can be interpreted as encouragement to the base of a person to do activities. Motivation is seen from the meaning he said, means providing motive motivation, stockpiling motive, or anything else that causes the urge.
READ MORE - Definition of Motivation | Motivation Theory Work

Motivation Theory

Motivation Theory
According to Hasibuan (2005), theories of motivation are grouped into several things including:
a. Satisfaction Theory (Content Theory)
This theory is based on factors individual needs and satisfaction of that cause to act and behave in certain ways. This theory focuses on the factors that strengthen one's self, guide, support and stop the behavior. This theory explains the question of what needs to satisfy and encourage the spirit of working person.
It is encouraging to work someone is to meet the needs and satisfaction of material and non material obtained from the results of his work. If the needs and satisfaction are met then the spirit of the workings of the better too. So, basically this theory suggests that a person will act (eager to work) to meet the needs of (inner needs) and satisfaction. Higher standards and the needs of the desired satisfaction more active the person is working. High or low level of satisfaction of needs and wants to achieve one's work reflects the spirit of these people.
Content Theory is known among other things:
1. Classical Theory of Motivation by F.W. Taylor
This theory also known as the theory of a single requirement. According to this theory of motivation of workers just to meet the biological needs and satisfaction only. Biological needs is a necessary requirement to maintain the continuity of one's life. Biological needs and satisfaction will be fulfilled if the salary or wages (cash or goods) provided considerable. So if the salary or wages of employees increased the spirit of their work will increase.
2. Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory
The basis of this theory is a requirement that has been satisfied does not become a tool of motivation for the perpetrator, only the unmet needs of a motivational tool. Hierarchy of human needs according to Maslow is quoted by Manullang (2001) is as follows:
1. Physiological needs bodily needs, including clothing, food and sexual gratification.
2. Safety needs-the need for security, including the need for security both soul and need for security of property.
3. Social needs, social needs, including the need for other people feeling accepted, respected, wanted to go and want to participate.
4. Esteem needs-the need for appreciation of the need for self-esteem and good views of others.
5. Self-actualization needs - the need to achieve self-satisfaction of the need to move value and satisfaction gained from work.
READ MORE - Motivation Theory

Theory Process (Process Theory)

Theory Process (Process Theory)
The theory is basically trying to answer the question, how to strengthen, direct, maintain and stop the behavior of individuals, so that each individual worked diligently in accordance with the wishes of leadership. This theory is a process of cause and effect of how a worker and what the results will be obtained. If this works well when the results will be obtained for tomorrow. So the result is reflected in how the activities carried out by someone. Because the human ego always wants results right then the driving force that motivates one's work embodied the spirit of hope that will be acquired in the future. This is why this theory called the theory of hope (Expectancy theory). If that hope can become a reality then the person will tend to increase the spirit of his work. But on the other hand, if expectations are not achieved as a result he will become lazy.
Known for his theory of the process:
1. Expectations Theory
This theory states that the force that motivates someone to work hard in doing his job depends on the reciprocal relationship between what is wanted and needed from the job. Expectancy theory is based on the basis of hope (Expectancy), value (valuence) and affinity (instrumentality).
2. Justice Theory
Justice is the driving force that motivates one's morale, so the employer must act fairly towards all subordinates. Assessment and recognition of the behavior of subordinates should be done objectively (good or wrong), not the top like it or not (like or dislike). Compensation or punishment must be based on objective assessment and fair. If the principle of justice can be applied properly by the leadership of then subordinate morale will tend to increase.
READ MORE - Theory Process (Process Theory)

Theory Confirmation |Professional Jobs

Theory Confirmation (reinforcement theory)
This theory is based on cause and effect of the compensation behavior. For example depending on the promotion of achievement is always maintained. Group bonus depends on the level of group production. Dependence of the interlocked nature of the relationship between the behavior of the events that follow that behavior.
This inaugural theory consists of two types, namely:
1. Positive Affirmation of the increasing frequency of behavior, there if the measure applied positive conditionals.
2. Inauguration of the increased frequency of negative Behaviors, occurs when a negative conditional Affirmation eliminated.
So the inaugural always associated with increasing the frequency and response, if followed by a conditional stimulus. Similarly, the principle of punishment (punishment) is always in connection with the reduction in frequency response, if the response (response) was followed by a conditional stimulus.
Based on several theories of motivation that have been mentioned above, the Siagian (1995) developed several motivational factors that need to be satisfied by the leadership to his subordinates. These factors by Siagian (1995) is as follows:
a. Good working conditions
b. Included feelings
c. How to discipline the human
d. Giving awards for good performance of duties
e. Loyalty leadership to employees
f. Promotion and development organization
g. A sympathetic understanding of the problems
h. Security jobs
i. The nature of work tasks attractive
READ MORE - Theory Confirmation |Professional Jobs

Health Importance

Health Importance
In line with the times and technological advances, public awareness of the importance of health also improved. Health is the prevention, treatment and routine treatment performed. So that in this era, the public wants in health care include not only treatment but also prevention.
Medical check-ups are now quite popular in the community and are usually done on a regular basis. Benefits other than as a preventive efforts to individuals for health care, as screening for companies in recruiting employees, and insurance companies that provide the requirements of health checkups for individuals who wish to take insurance.
Today many health care institutions that opened the service medical check-ups such as hospitals, clinics. However, for medical services for check-ups, or insurance companies is still quite limited, because it needed special services such as medical check-ups "on site," the examination of the place or location of the company.
To capture the opportunities mentioned above, we offer other forms of cooperation with companies.
a. Providing services for screening health checks for prospective employees.
b. Providing routine health checks for employees and families.
c. Provide health checks for prospective insurance
READ MORE - Health Importance

Medical Check Up | Home Services

Medical Check Up (MCU) is a chain in an effort to increase optimal health status. Many benefits can be obtained with the MCU in addition to knowing the health condition can also periodically seeded for early detection of disease.
MCU becomes an important requirement in the admissions process for prospective employees and periodic checks of employees, so the quality of good health will work to achieve high productivity.
Home Services
Doctor or paramedic requests depending on the needs and demand for the company / school in terms of number of visits and time / hour visit. Doctor's visit and / or paramedics depending on the company policy / schools to choose whether only the doctor alone or together with the paramedics.
READ MORE - Medical Check Up | Home Services

Health Education

Health Education
Health Education Program form is through education and training will be given each month is adjusted between the doctor / clinic with the condition of a company or school.
Health Education Program for the company is expected to provide an understanding of the conditions of employment and work environment to work, provide insight into the health impact of the work at hand, providing training accidents and illness due to work or Emergency Care Medicine through proper health education of risk factors which will happen if you do not do the job according to the standard.
Health Education Program for schools is to provide information about the importance of health care, the dangers of drugs.
Vaccination & Immunization
This program is given to the employee and the employee and the school students that aims to prevent disease and boost immunity.
As for the types of vaccinations & immunizations that can be served is:
* Vaccination to prevent cervical cancer
* General immunization for children and adults
Company Polyclinic
Corporate clinic program is the basic reference in applying medical principles in a work environment that will run on the company as a whole.
The purpose of this clinic is:
1. Provide assistance to labor in the adjustment both physically and mentally, especially in the adjustment to the job.
2. Protect workers against health problems arising from work or work environment.
3. Improving health agencies, mental and physical condition of employment.
4. Provide treatment, care and rehabilitation for employees who suffer illness.
READ MORE - Health Education

Check up Drugs and HIV

Check up Drugs and HIV
Drugs and HIV AIDS are the two issues become important in every element of society. Two issues are no longer looking at the social strata of age and patients. Therefore, examination of the status of drug use and HIV infection needs to be done as early as possible especially in the schools because a large impact for the future of students nation next.
This program aims to find out the status of the employee / student against drug use and HIV infection and AIDS one of the requirements for the selection of candidate acceptance, students and college students.
Special Discount (Visits to the clinic)
This program is giving special discounts to employees, club / union & partners seeking Couples Clinic.
Cooperation programs with companies, especially insurance companies, which is the Clinic Couples Clinic referrals from companies that work together with Couples Clinic.
Nutrition Consultation institution
Nutrition is one of the key areas of public health agenda that includes health promotion and disease prevention. Organization of food groups can be distinguished on the basis of the cooking and serving food, the caterers (catering) and food institutions. Food institutions (institutional food service) is a form of organizing a place to cook food and serving food somewhere. The program is a menu planning consultations in schools or companies in accordance with the needs and education about balanced nutrition.
Team Doctor Special
Did you know that the husband is required to protect
family. Creating peace and ensure the happiness of life
family. But the husband is often busy to make ends meet
family, while his health is not cared for properly. Consequently
declining physical condition with all its impact, one of which is
the occurrence of sexual dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
In Indonesia, the study results showed 1 in 5 men aged 18 years
suffering from sexual dysfunction. This situation is causing him pain and
also for his partner.
READ MORE - Check up Drugs and HIV

Types Of Adult Vaccines

Types Of Adult Vaccines
These vaccines to prevent diseases caused by hepatitis A virus and attacks the liver. Hepatitis A vaccine given twice in adults, with a range of up to six 12 months.
HEPATITIS B The vaccine is given three times the distance of one to six months for hepatitis B prevention of disease, you will be first checked whether the contract or not. The laboratory should also be conducted to find out whether you already have enough antibodies to fight hepatitis B or not
Abdominal typhoid Aimed at preventing an outbreak of typhoid fever or typhoid fever is usually caused by Germs that spread through food is given every three years.
Measles VACCINE,Mumps, rubella (MMR / Mumps, Measles, Rubella) Given one time for adults born after 1957. While people born before the year is considered to have a natural immunity to MMR. Given to prevent measles, mumps and rubella caused by a virus.
TETANUSTo prevent the development of disease caused by tetanus bacteria in the wound. Tetanus vaccine is given three times for a full dose. The second vaccine is given at least four weeks after the first vaccine. While the third vaccine is given six to 12 months after the second vaccine.
VACCINE varicella Vaccine given to prevent infection varicella or what we call that caused chicken pox virus. Chicken pox in adults can be more dangerous than the kids. The vaccine is given twice the time span of four to eight weeks and is recommended for people aged over 13 years.
Influenza The vaccine is given once each year to adults to prevent the disease striking influenza and respiratory tract caused by viruses. The main targets are people aged over 50 years.
Pneumococcal Preventing pneumococcal disease attributable bacteria streptococcus pneumonia, the vaccine is given to adults. This disease can occur at any age, and can lead to infection in the Lungs, blood, brain & ear. The vaccine is given to people aged 65 years and over a one-time.
Meningitis To prevent meningitis, which is inflammation of the lining the brain caused by bacteria, one is given this vaccine. These include vaccines must be given to prospective pilgrims who will go to the holy land. Need to be repeated every three years.
Rabies Aims to prevent disease spread rabies reply to humans through the bite of an infected animal. The main target of those at greater risk for rabies. For example the frequent contact with animals
YELLOW FEVER The vaccine is given to prevent people from fever. Yellow disease disease is caused by a virus transmitted to humans through mosquito Aedes aegypti This is one of the required vaccines World Health Organization (WHO) for all the people who will visit Africa this vaccine should South. Type repeated every 10 years.
Japanese EncephalitisGiven to adults to prevent disease called Japanese encephalitis virus is transmitted to humans by Culex Mosquitoes which had infected many. Disease found in China, India and Southeast Asia, in particular areas - rural areas such as rice, livestock, and puddles of water. The vaccine is also recommended for people who will travel to the region - the area and stayed for more than 30 days.
CANCER uterusAiming to prevent this cancer of the uterus. Vaccines given in the following way:
The first month, third month and sixth month respectively - each a one-time injection of this vaccine prior to the examination should be done first Papsmear or Papnet. The vaccine is only done once in a lifetime.
READ MORE - Types Of Adult Vaccines

characteristic of a profession

In general there are 3 features approved by many authors as characteristic of a profession.
(1) A profession requires extensive training before entering a profession. This training begins after a person obtained a degree. For example those who have passed the following new graduate professional education as doctors, dentists, Psychologists, Pharmacists, pharmacy, architecture to Indonesia. In many countries, lawyers are required to take professional Examinations before entering the profession.
(2) The training includes a significant intellectual component. Training Masons, Barbers, craftsmen include physical skills. Training accountants, engineers, doctors include intellectual and skill components. Although the training doctors or dentists include physical skills remained the dominant intellectual component. Intellectual components are characteristic of the main charge of professional advise and assistance regarding specific expertise that the average is not known or understood layman. So instead of giving consulting a hallmark of professional items.
(3) Manpower trained to provide essential services to the community. In other words provide a service-oriented profession in the public interest rather than their own interests. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, librarians, engineers, architects provide essential services to society to function; it can not be done by an expert chess-like game. Growing number of Professions and professionals in the 20th century occurred because these traits. To be able to serve the modern society that is technologically complex applications that require specific knowledge greater than the simple people who lived in past Centuries. Production and distribution of energy requires a lot of activity by the engineers. Over money and capital markets require energy accountants, securities analysts, lawyers, business consultants and financial. Short profession provides an important service that requires extensive intellectual training.
In addition to the three conditions following professional features. The third additional feature does not apply to all Professions. The three additional features that include:
(4) The license or certification process. This trait common in many Professions, but not always necessary for professional status. Doctors are required to have a certificate of practice before being allowed to practice. However, licensing or certification does not always make a job into a profession. To drive a motorcycle or a car it must have a license, known by the name of a driver's license. But a license does not mean to make owners of a professional driver. Many Professions do not require a formal license. Lecturer at universities are not required to have a license or certificate, but they are required to have an education requirement, such as at least the title of master's degree or higher. Many accountants is not a Certified Public Accountant and computer scientists do not have a license or certificate.
(5) The existence of the organization. Almost all Professions have an organization that claims to represent its members. There are times when the organization is not always open to members of a profession and there are often competing organizations. Professional organization developed to promote the profession and to improve the welfare of its members. Increased prosperity will mean that members of professional organizations involved in securing the economic interests of its members. Nevertheless such a professional organization is usually different from the guild entirely devoted to the economic interests of its members. Then the audience will not find an organization or garage textile workers who march demanding design safer cars or construction plant design well.
(6) autonomy in his work. Profession has autonomy over the provision of services. In many Professions, a person must have a valid certificate before starting work. Trying to work without a professional or a professional to yourself can lead to failure. When the reader tries to be a doctor for yourself then it will not fully succeed because they could not use and access to medicines and the most useful technologies. Many drugs can only be obtained through a doctor's prescription
READ MORE - characteristic of a profession

Ethics with etiquette

Ethics with etiquette
Before discussing more about the code of ethics, be helpful to understand the terms associated with ethics in order to avoid misunderstandings. In relation to education librarian, there are courses that provide courses in "Etiquette and personality librarian" in addition to courses in "Ethics of the profession."
Ethics is a part of philosophy. Philosophy is derived from the Arabic word and the word is derived from the Greek word filosofia. The word comes from the word filosofia filo and sofia. Philo means love in the widest sense of wanting to, and because they want it and then try to achieve the desired. Sofia means wisdom, meaning pandit, know the depth. Then the restriction according approach to philosophy is a deep wish to know or love of wisdom.
The definition of philosophy according to the general understanding of science means that investigates the nature of all things to get the truth. Because philosophy has undergone a long development of the various opinions arose about the notion of philosophy that has specificity respectively. The flow in the philosophy of proving the existence of the various opinions of different characteristic with each other. For example glorifies reason rationalism, Materialism, the material glorifies, exalts Idealism idea, pleasure and hedonism Stoicism glorify glorify pious nature.
Ethics and Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy of action in addition to the philosophy of knowledge, philosophy of the whole of reality and history of philosophy.
READ MORE - Ethics with etiquette

Often In Search

Mayoritas Daerah Menunggu Formasi CPNS 2010 Lowongan CPNS Tenaga Medis di Tarakan Tes CPNS Kejaksaan Jambi Lowongan CPNS Kementrian Perhubungan Formasi Tenaga Teknis Paling Banyak Dibutuhkan Perekrutan CPNS Kaltim 2010 BNN dan BKKBN Buka Lowongan CPNS Penerimaan Cpns Dosen UNM Formasi CPNS Dosen dan Teknis di Unhas Penerimaan Cpns Pemprov Sumatera Utara Lowongan CPNS di Kejati Jateng Lowongan Formasi CPNS Pemkab Brebes Penerimaan CPNS Bangka 2010 Penerimaan CPNS USU 2010 Ujian CPNS Bekerjasama dengan PTN dan LSM Lowongan CPNS Provinsi Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) Tahun 2009 Pemkot Pontianak Bagikan Nomor Peserta Test CPNS November 2009 Lowongan CPNS Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak 2010 Lowongan CPNS di Kabupaten Bandung Banyak Posisi Lowongan CPNS Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum (PU) 2010 cpns kementan 2010 cpns kementan hasil seleksi cpns D3 pertanian kementrian pertanian CPNS 2010 pendidikan kimia pengumuman kelulusan cpns kementrian pertanian pengumuman seleksi cpns kementan pengumuman seleksi cpns kementan 2010 pengumuman seleksi lamaran deptan go id pertanian CPNS Kalteng 2010 CPNS Sulsel 2010 CPNS Bengkulu 2010 CPNS Jawa Tengah 2010 CPNS Kemdiknas 2010 CPNS Kejaksaan 2010 CPNS KEMENKES/DEPKES 2010 CPNS SUMUT 2010 CPNS DKI Jakarta 2010 Formasi CPNS Depag 2010 Lowongan Application Technician di Jakarta Januari Februari 2010 Penerimaan CPNSD Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2009 CPNS Kejaksaan Tahun 2010 Lowongan CPNS Kabupaten Dairi Bulan November Tahun 2009 Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi CPNS PPATK 2010 cpns pengadilan 2010 www depkumham go id cpns sumbar 2010 cpns medan 2010 lowongan cpns sumbar 2010 cpns 2010 medan www depkumham go id pengumuman pengumuman seleksi administrasi cpns depkumham 2010 pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi depkumham 2010 cpns sumsel 2010 pendaftaran cpns kab mojokerto tahun 2010 hasil tes cpns depkumham 2010 kalteng pormasi cpns kab bone lowongan cpns 2010 kabupaten pesisir selatan lowongan administrasi tangerang september 2010 Cpns november sumatera selatan 2010 jadwal pendaftaran cpns sumbar 2010 pengumuman cpnsd kab gunung kidul 2010 pengumuman tes cpns sumbar 2010 penerimaan cpns kodam wirabuana memblokir instal program cara memblok instalasi kenapa warnet lambat loading CRA INSTAL BILING SERVER cara gunakan wp super cache cara koneksi client billing dengan server trik memblokir install sembarangan cara mengatasi index of